The Brunswick and Adelaide Police Local Action Team meeting was held on 20th November at the Cornerstone Centre, and was attended by our Chairman, Susan Hunter, together with other local residents associations and our two ward councillors. This is her report:
PCSO Julie Wornham reported on the three priorities from the previous meeting:
1 Palmeira Square and Adelaide Crescent were included in the ‘Op Engage’ initiative, which meant that we have had more Police patrols especially on Friday and Staurday evenings.
2 It is essential that residents continue to telephone 101 if anything concerns them, or 999 if really serious.
3 Brunswick Square rough sleepers have caused no trouble and have moved on when asked to.
4 There have been problems with anti-social behaviour in St John’s Road, so far not encountered by patrols.
Update on local issues:
One man has been arrested for burglary in the Square and Crescent.
One man involved in drug dealing who was living in the Square has been removed.
Arrests have been made over cash machine skimming at local banks.
Poloice have started a ‘Keep a light on’ initiave to reduce burglary and theft from cars over the christmas period. We are advised to not leave packages on view in cars and to leave a light on at home if out after dark.
A squat in the empty premises that used to be called ‘Direct Lettings’ has been removed and cleared.
A leaflet was given to the meeting on how and where to report local issues.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, just in case residents thought the Police are unconcerned about observation of the new 20mph speed limit, the PCSOs have now been been given their own speed hand guns and are using them on loacl roads. They will be covering our area from time to time, so do take care!
The next LAT meeting will be on Tuesday 28th January 2014, at 8.15pm at the Cornerstone Centre.