The Friends of Palmeira and Adelaide Residents Association
25th Annual General Meeting
Date Wednesday 1st March
Time 7:30pm
Venue Cornerstone Community Centre
Dear Friend,
I would like to invite you to attend the 25th FOPA AGM
The Agenda
1. Election of the Committee for 2023/24
FOPA’s committee will have 3 x vacancies (out of 7) at the time of the AGM
Members can elect and second nominations
To join FOPA use this link and come to the AGM.
Please would you also share this with your neighbours who may not be FOPA members.
2. Approve the Minutes of the 24th AGM and the 2022/23 Accounts.
Click on for the minutes from last AGM
3. Chair’s report
4. Question & Answer session
5. AOB
It will greatly help if you could let us know if you will be attending by emailing
Kind regards,
David Ward, Chair,
The Friends of Palmeira and Adelaide