City Plan 2041 Consultation

Have your say.

Brighton & Hove City Council has started preparing a review of the City Plan and have published a City Plan 2041 Key Issues Consultation document for public consultation.

The City Plan 2041 will:

  1. set out policies to guide future development in the city over the period to 2041
  2. Identify how much new housing and commercial space will be needed to help meet the needs of our residents and businesses
  3. Encourage high quality and well-designed places
  4. Conserve and enhance the environment, biodiversity and our important heritage assets
  5. Ensure new development is supported by necessary infrastructure
  6. Conform with the National Planning Policy Framework
  7. Cover the administrative area of the city council that is not within the South Downs National Park.

The planning policy team have set out what they think are the key issues for the City Plan 2041, and how they might be addressed. They want your views on these and any other issues that have not been identified.

A Call for Sites is also being undertaken to enable potential housing, employment, retail or other use sites to be submitted for consideration.

Consultation runs for 11 weeks from Monday 4 November 2024 to 11.59 pm Monday 20 January 2025

How to view the consultation documents

More details and the consultation documents are available on the council’s YourVoice consultation website.

Consultation documents can also be viewed at the Customer Services Centres at Bartholomew House, Brighton and Hove Town Hall, Hove as well as all city libraries during normal opening hours.

How to make comments

Comments should be made using the YourVoice consultation website where possible.

If you would like to receive further information about the City Plan 2041, you can also have your details added to the City Plan consultation mailing list by signing up here.  Any further queries should be directed to