Paying for on-street parking consultation

A new consultation is being launched on Monday 14 October by Brighton & Hove City Council , giving you a chance to have a say on the future of on-street paid parking in the city.

Paying for on-street parking

We’ve listened to public feedback about some of the difficulties experienced paying for parking and have introduced 12 new Pay & Display machines in different parts of the city as part of a trial. This trial period comes to an end on Saturday 23 November and we’ll assess data like the number of transactions, transaction type and public feedback before deciding on next steps. As well as this data, we also want to understand the needs of residents and visitors parking in the city.

Have your say

Your feedback will help us to decide whether to keep or expand the network of machines and where the machines might be most needed.

  • To take part in this survey, please sign up to our consultation service Your Voice (or log in).
  • If you’d prefer to receive a paper copy please call 01273 29 58 90 and follow the instructions.
  • If you have any other questions about the consultation, please e-mail