Category: B&H Council
WW1 Centenary commemoration in remembrance of Ernest Beal VC
Ernest Beal was Brighton’s only true born son of the Town to have been given the Victoria Cross, although be it posthumously, Her Majesty’s Government are supplying a commemorative paving stone to be laid at the War Memorial and after that the City is also unveiling a plaque to him at his birth place.
Adelaide Crescent parapet wall Continued Repairs
Work will be starting on a further section of the parapet wall on Monday 5th March for approximately 14 weeks.
King’s House public consultation exhibition
You may have heard rumours about what is proposed at King’s House. Now is your opportunity to examine the plans that have been drawn up so far and ask questions and make comments to the applicant. Both days at the Cornerstone Community Centre this 26th January, 6pm-9.30pm and 27th January, 10am-4pm.
Notification of major gas works: Church Road, Hove UPDATE 20 November 2017
SGN have provided an update on the gas works along Church Road. The Church Road project is progressing extremely well and they have already completed three of our five phases.
Lighting of the Annual Christmas Tree – Floral Clock, Palmeira Square
Friday 1st December at 4.30pm is the lighting of the Annual Christmas Tree at the Floral Clock, Palmeira Square. Everyone Welcome
Help needed for Rose pruning and tulip planting – 1st Dec @ 2pm
Help needed for Rose pruning and tulip planting on Friday 1st December from 2.00pm. If you have a trowel or some garden tools to help please bring along. Any help big or small will be appreciated and continue to keep the gardens looking good.
Outdoor Events Nov/Dec
Latest outdoor events list for November & December for Brighton & Hove (provided by BHCC)
Notification of major gas works: Church Road and Sackville Road, Hove
SGN are investing £687,000 to upgrade our gas network in Church Road and Sackville Road, Hove. Using an innovative robotic system called CISBOT to carry out this work, which will ensure a continued safe and reliable gas supply for many years to come. Find out more details..
The Flu Vaccination
As most of us are aware flu can be very debilitating but also very serious for vulnerable people. The attached booklet with key information about flu, key groups that are at risk and flu vaccination has been provided by Public Health England team at BHCC.
FOPA Streetscape Summary Report – July to October 2017
Rory Connelly the FOPA streetscape committee member has been working hard to ensure that our Palmeira & Adelaide streetscape is enhanced and improved. Below is a summary of some of the key areas he has covered over the summer.