The weekend (April 24 – 27) The Living Coast is participating in the global City Nature Challenge for this first time, as part of the Nature2020 celebrations.
The City Nature Challenge is an annual, global, fun competition about spotting and ultimately IDing nature in your local area. As the name suggests, it is loosely based on cities competing against each other to see who can spot the most wildlife and engage the most people, but in reality that can mean anything from cities to communities to whole regions taking part. Participants use the iNaturalist app to photograph and upload whatever flora and fauna they spot.
Whilst the Challenge is usually about what nature and wildlife people can spot across their local area, this year the City Nature Challenge has been reframed to focus on what people can spot in their homes, balconies and gardens, to enable people to take part, and hopefully learn something new and have some fun despite the current challenging situation.
We will also be busy on social media on the Living Coast channels (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and as follows:
For those with a greater depth of knowledge, there is the further challenge of verifying the observations made which happens from April 28 – May 3 2020.’
More information available on the website or that attached PDF.