Hello, everyone!
You already know of problems at our composting scheme:
– the appearance of rats at the boxes and
– our inability to produce acceptable compost, at least
under the present conditions and in the available time
We had to take action: as of today the collection of material is suspended and the ‘active’ box is locked – (see below).
Jo Glazier and Alan Steeden of the Council have come to our rescue and are mobilizing their heavy cavalry to
– empty the boxes
– eradicated rats in the area
– rat-proof the boxes with chicken wire mesh and
– improve the boxes to limit the entry of water
Other ideas are under discussion but may not suit our needs:
– move the boxes to open spaces where ‘traffic’ deters shy rodents
– adopt an alternative composting method less sensitive to bad weather.
We will keep you informed of developments and hope to welcome you back in the near future.
In the meantime, kind regards from
Trish, Jo, Alan and me
12 April 2014
Collection suspended
till further notice
For further information :
visit www.FOPA.co.uk
or call
Balint at 01273 774 770
Trish at 01273 326 927
Letter to compost takers:
You will have seen in Composting News Issue 20 – we have a problem, with rats, and need to do something about it.
Jo Glazebrook and Alan Steeden have organized for eradication and rat-proofing our boxes and we would like to implement this as soon as we can….but the boxes must first be emptied.
Box 1 has a bit of fresh matter, not ready for anything and will be lost
Box 2 is full but the compost is a bit wet and not prime quality
Boxes 3 and 4 are part filled with similar quality compost.
Would you like to help yourselves to this compost, before we lose it?
You would have to collect it yourselves though we should help bag it and I will provide plastic bags? This is how it will work:
1) We promised compost to St Leonard’s Secret Garden some time ago, so they have priority – would you like to take up this offer?
2) Merlin asked for compost on behalf of Stoneham park, so he/they are next in line – would you like it?; and
3) Gwenn may wish to take some compost for the allotments fraternity.
Please let us know how you stand as soon as possible, so we can make the necessary arrangements. We hope normal service will soon be resumed.
With kind regards from all of us.