Local Action Team

NEXT MEETING: 14th September at 10.15am at the Cornerstone.
Councillors Andrei Czolak and Ollie Sykes have set a date for the first Local Action Team meeting on the 14th September at 10.15am in the Cornerstone.
It would be great to see local residents attend to voice your views and concerns.

What is LAT (Local Action Team)?
Members of FOPA attend our Local Action Team meetings which are chaired by our local councillors and attended by our PCSOs and other community residents.  The meetings aim to occur every three months at The Cornerstone Community Centre.  Any local residents are welcome to attend. 

The LAT seeks to discuss and address local issues affecting the ward. An opportunity for the Cllrs /Residents, to set the LAT schedule, to air priorities and agree ways of working.