Member benefits
As a FOPA member, you are able to join in discussions and send in your comments to projects and activities via this website and Facebook. All members will be invited to the annual general meeting (AGM) and various social occasions including coffee mornings, local talks, a summer picnic and Christmas drinks party. Once a member, you are able to join any committee or group and get involved in projects in the area. As a FOPA member, you can subscribe to email updates to keep up to date about our activities, or opt out if you prefer.
Member Benefits
We rely entirely on donations from residents, having decided to change from a subscription-based society back in 2011. Donations to FOPA can be made by bank transfer or cash, please email info@fopa.co.uk for details. Donations will go to specific fundraising projects with a small portion allocated towards the running of FOPA (website hosting, printing etc).
Committees & Groups
FOPA is run by, and for, its residents who are all volunteers. There are many smaller groups that members can be involved with, as well as selected to join the committee.
• Fundraising
• Website
• Gardens
• Streetscape
By joining FOPA, all members agree to support FOPA’s aims to improve the quality of life of residents in this area and act as an established and respected voice for residents*. Membership is open to those over 18, and also to people who have previously lived in the area for some time. A full copy of FOPA’s constitution can be found in About FOPA. Your personal information will be used only by FOPA. Personal data will not be distributed by us or by those acting for us under any circumstance other that with your consent or due to legal requirements.