A suitable site for the community composting bins has been identified in Adelaide Crescent, with work by Stuart and Clive (PAG) already started in preparation for their arrival and its 6 month trial.
Under the auspices of Brighton and Hove Food Partnership, the ‘Coming soon to Adelaide Crescent’ posters can be found on lamp posts in the FOPA area, providing information on how to join the scheme.
The bins have several features to help make them resistant to rodents and they will be managed, so that only those joining this scheme will have access to the padlock code, to use them appropriately.
Residents can join the scheme for free and divert their food waste (raw fruit and vegetable peelings, tea bags and coffee grounds etc.) from general and recycled waste disposal to create compost. The compost is available to members and for use in Palmeira Square, Palmeira Lawns and Adelaide Crescent.
To find out more and to register your interest in joining the scheme, please email compost@bhfood.org.uk (or) visit https://bhfood.org.uk/directory-hub/community-composting/ (or) call 01273 234810.