You may have read recently that a City Councillor is calling for a crackdown on dog fouling. We are also receiving complaints about the number of dog using the Crescent gardens. Despite significantly effective measures to control this anti-social health hazard over the years, the incidence of dog fouling in the gardens continues to be a major concern for many residents, particularly those with children. Responsibility for dealing with this offence is with the Council’s Animal Welfare Officers. Their work includes cruelty cases, dog bite incidents, strays, enforcing licensing legislation and investigating fouling issues. PCSOs will not deal with this, nor will any other agency or Council team. Catching offenders is noriously difficult; when officials are present people comply but flout the law when they are not, often early in the morning or late at night. Compulsory registration and chipping of all dogs, with compulsory training of owners has been suggested, but to introduce this at a national level would take a major political decision. In the meantime, the best policy seems to be to embarrass owners in public, if you have the courage….