Category: Community Alert
Break-in at the Seagulls (formerly Newstop) Store
A burglary occurred at the local corner store Seagulls on the 18/04/2020, breaking the glass and clearing out the tobacco and liquor stocks. Insurance only covers part of the loss – Dana and Elisabeth are now struggling can you help with a donation?
Community Alert:
In the past couple of weeks we have received reports of break-ins to properties on the Square and Crescent whilst the homeowner has been at home. We ask all neighbours to take extra precautions and ensure that your property is as secure as you can make it. But also to look out for any suspicious…
Saturday 1st June – Likely Traffic disruption
Anyone planning to travel along the A23 stretch between Gatwick and Brighton on the afternoon of Saturday 1 June needs to allow extra time and consider alternative routes. The Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC) ‘Euro Run’ is being hosted in the south of England to mark the 50th anniversary of the HAMC in the UK…
Fraudulently opening of Bank Accounts
At least two of our residents have had a bank account fraudulently opened in their name in the last week or so. Police have confirmed that it has happened to another resident of Adelaide Crescent. Both informed the banks but not quickly enough to stop the accounts being used to be used to obtain cash.
Look out! A scammer is about!
Last Friday, September 1st, we were invaded by a cheerful, resourceful but rather stupid gang of scammers, apparently determined to clean us out of any valuables in sight. So look out for them.They appeared in a silver BMW, greeted me with cheerful familiarity declaring they came to repair a leak – later seamlessly changing the…
Spot the difference! … call 101 to keep our gardens safe
To prevent a repeat of this, you need to call 101 or fill out the Sussex Police online form to report it.
LAT update – farewell to our PCSO Julie
David Ward and David Sewell kindly attend our regular LAT meetings with other local resident groups, on behalf of FOPA. Key points for June’s meeting are below:
Rough sleepers
Hove Police have contacted FOPA to inform members & where possible all residents. Apparently there is a new problem with rough sleepers getting into the buildings in order to find somewhere to sleep. To do this they are often using the ‘Trade button’ on the intercom as they have discovered that in many cases it…
Dog poisoning sausages laced with slug pellets
The RSPCA and Police have issued warnings to the public to be careful walking dogs after a spate of deaths and dog poisoning around Hove and Portslade. Sausages laced with slug pellets were found in the Cuckoo Trail in Hailsham.
Community Trigger & Anti-social behaviour
We have had problems with anti-social behaviour over summer months in particular.