Community Trigger & Anti-social behaviour

We have had problems with anti-social behaviour over summer months in particular. This issue was discussed at the 2015 AGM, with Brendan Mullee providing an explaination of how the Community Trigger and new Anti-social behaviour crime and policing act 2014 could help residents, and received better follow-up from the police and agencies involved.  The following link gives more informatin, and an online referral form so concerned residents can activate the Community Trigger  when they hear or see anti-social behaviour.

You can also discuss your situation or check on the progress of your Community Trigger referral, please contact the Community Safety Team on 01273 292735.

PLEASE NOTE: You may also call 101 for non-emergency police and let FOPA know – so we can keep a record of reports.

You should always call 999 when it is an emergency, such as when a crime is in progress, someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened.