Indian Summer is here – it’s official!
We have a new team monitoring in September – Victoria and Andrew.
Here is the current position: ‘active’ box No 2 has been filling up, so box 3, about 3/4 full of mature compost, was emptied this morning into three heavy duty black plastic bags.
Box 3 is now ‘active’ (without a lock, which disappeared a while ago).
The compost bags are adjacent to box 4, ready for collection.
I put broken bits of discarded white marble on them to keep out vermin and water – this may not have been a brilliant idea as from a distance it looks a bit untidy.
If you take compost and find that you have no use for the plastic bag, please return it so we can re-use it for a 2nd journey.
Help yourselves – but call on 01273 774 770 if you need help or transport.
Box 1 – Almost ready for harvesting
Box 2 – Now maturing and soon ready
Box 3 – Active box
Box 4 – Mature compost and tool store
See you at the village pump, some sunny day… and say Hello to Victoria or Andrew if you happen to meet them on the hill.
With kind regards from
Trish and Balint