We have been concerned for some time about the deteriorating condition of the retaining wall at the south end of the Adelaide Crescent garden. This was constructed as part of the original 1830 Queen Adelaide Crescent scheme designed by Decimus Burton, and is a Grade2* Listed Structure in the care of the Council. It includes rare ‘vermiculated’ work in the stucco rendering and other decorative features, all of which are now in poor condition and in danger of being lost. We understand that the wall is deemed to be the responsibility of Cityparks, and that an inspection of its condition is scheduled for March this year.
In the meantime, we have asked the Council’s Heritage Team about the possibility of applying for a Heritage Lottery Fund grant for its renovation. For a grant to be considered by HLF the project needs to satisfy a number of conditions. This might be achieved if we include reinstatement of the east and west corner pillars and the railings between these along the top of the wall. This would restore the original appearance of Adelaide Crescent from Hove Lawns, and something of the original setting of the Grade 2* Listed Buildings. It would also provide a barrier behind which an effective windbreak could once again grow up to protect the gardens, as at Lewes Crescent and the adjoining terraces. We have a collection of historic photos showing how this looked, and would invite residents to contact us if they are interested in this project, or have any comments, so that we can send them further information. Please drop a line to info@fopa.co.uk