Brighton and Hove City Council are inviting residents to submit their comments regarding proposed cycle hangar to be installed in Adelaide Crescent.
Status: Open for comment | End of objection period: Friday 12 January 2024
A cycle hangar is on-street parking for up to 6 bikes that residents can rent a space from. The Hangars are covered, secure and accessible via an easily downloaded app or a lock and key.
The cycle hangars are the size of one parking space, and they can store 6 standard sized bicycles. Some car parking spaces may be repurposed to accommodate the cycle hangars. Their position in Palmeira square will open facing the garden entrances at the north end of Palmeira square.
They are dark green with reflective strips on the sides for extra visibility.
The stands inside are equipped for you to lock your bike at 2 points in the hangar.
With many residents living in shared accommodation, flats or houses where storage space is at a premium, it can be difficult to find secure cycle storage. This can be a major barrier to those wishing to travel by bike. Storage can be especially challenging if you use an adapted cycle. People can also face difficulties manoeuvring their cycles from inside their home onto the street outside.
Some cycle hangars installed may have the option of storing large, adapted bicycles or cargo bikes. The above picture is an example of a what the cycle hangars look like.
To read more about the cycle hangars and to register your interest to use one, visit the BHCC website about cycle hangars.
To submit your comments about the hangars being installed, please visit the BHCC website Traffic order reference number TRO-52-2023